The first invasion was noticed upon my return from a 2 week training. I was very tired. Excited to be in my own house, sleeping in my own bed, taking a shower in my own shower. So, you can imagine the shock (and horror) of finding poop scattered all over the floor of my shower when I arrived home. After many google searches, I determined it was, in fact, a rat. *I would like to give a disclaimer and say that up until now, there has been no rat presence around my home. A bottle of bleach and half a bottle of VIM (comet type cleaner) later, I had a clean shower, a clearer head and slept semi-peacefully. Until, I woke up the next morning to that dumb rodent had used the toilet in my CLEAN shower AGAIN! So, a friend sent me the instructions to a trap they had made and used with success. So, I made said trap, and CAUGHT THE RODENT! I was so proud and excited that life could get back to normal. So, I took the trap out of my shower, put it on the back porch, and cleaned my shower (with 2 ...