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Death Destroyed

"People are dying every day with the only knowledge of God that will send them to hell."  David Platt

Death in Madagascar happens every day, just like it does in America. Madagascar's population is estimated to be a little over 25 million. According to a UN estimate, every day, about 88 people in Madagascar die. That is about 32,000 each year, according to their estimate.

There are so many rituals when it comes to death here. So many times, when I hear of a death in a village I've visited, I wonder how much time was spent preparing that person for the judgement that came upon their death. There are many rituals that are done to ensure the safety and survival of the people still alive here on Earth. Appeasing the ancestors is a huge part of life, and in many cases, these rituals are done daily. Makes John 14:6, "Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me'", constantly reside in my mind.

As I have spent time in Hebrews (shout out to my First Orlando friends!), I have been stuck. Chapter 2 is where I got stuck and where I have been resting. There is something so beautiful in that chapter. The writer of Hebrews is talking about how Jesus came. How he came and came with a purpose. 

He came to save us. 

He came to sanctify us. 

He came to destroy death.

As I visited a village last week, I learned of a man who had passed away. This man was the husband of a Bebe (grandmother) that I have become good friends with. He was 109 years old. That in itself is a miracle. This Bebe is a believer. I love spending time with her and her family. I've met her sisters and daughter and grand-children. Her family is very, very large. Death is so close to me on a daily basis. It is no wonder why I'm constantly thinking and dwelling on death and the fact of redemption when turning to Christ.

In verse 14-15 of Hebrews 2, it says:

Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same things, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery.

There are a few words that jump out at me in these verses. The one that most vividly stands out is destroy. The definition of destroy is "to injure beyond repair or renewal, demolish, ruin, annihilate." Being in the language learning stage still, I looked up this same verse in Malagasy.

Koa satria manana nofo aman-dra ny zaza dia mba nandray izany koa Izy mba handringanany amin'ny fahafatesana ilay manana ny herin'ny fahafatesana, dia ny defoly, ary mba hanafahany izay rehetra nandany ny fianany rehetra tamin'ny fahafatesana.

Now, I know you probably can't read that, but I understand almost every single word in those verses, without having to look it up. Another miracle. Anyways, one of the few words I didn't understand was "handringananany". This word comes from the future relative form of the verb mandringana. Mandringana means "to exterminate, to massacre."

What a comfort it is to know that Jesus came to annihilate and exterminate the devil. The one who holds death in his hand will be, and already has been defeated. All the rituals, all the appeasing, all the sacrificing we all do is pointless because of Jesus. He already did it. His death and glorious resurrection over death is victory. 

Victory: The ULTIMATE and DECISIVE superiority in any battle or contest
Fandresena: Victory

He wins. Always and forever, Jesus wins. He defeat death and the devil. He delivers us from lifelong slavery to fear of death.

He. Wins.


  1. I love this,Tiffany! You are doing great things for his kingdom! So proud of you


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