In every person’s life, they have a list of people that have
helped them on their way. Outside of the Lord, these are people that have
helped shape me into the person I am today. After taking some time to remember
each person’s defining moment in my life, I thought it would be best to honor
them in a blog. It’s the absolute least I can do…but you need to know these
people. And my hope is, that you will find people just like them, to challenge
and stir you on to love and good works.
(Hebrews 10:24)
Without a doubt, first up is my parents. I seriously have
the best. We went on our first trip as a family to Wales. It was fun…and a VERY
long time ago. My parents have always been the type of people to teach us that
everyone is equal. My dad can tell you countless stories of living in the South
and how that has shaped him. In a way, it shaped me as well. My parents have
taught me that there is no one too far from grace and it doesn’t matter your
skin color, accent, or home country. I will never forget what my dad said to me
when I told him I felt I was being called to Madagascar. He said, “if God told
you to go, who am I to tell you not to?” I know I am blessed to have supportive
parents who relinquished me into a very capable Father’s hands very early on.
Next up, is this lovely lady. If you have the privilege of
knowing her, you know exactly why she is on this list. My first “solo”
(because I wasn’t really solo…) trip was to serve with her. There were about 6
of us on the team that went, and it was a defining moment in my life. It set
the course for Madagascar. Anyways, I remember silly and fun things about this
trip. One thing I will never forget, however, is how she did life. There was
nothing extraordinarily fancy in the way she lived, but you could tell she was
exactly where she was supposed to be. She inspired me. A then single
woman, living in a foreign country, sharing the greatest news on the face of
the planet with people she had never met…THAT was extraordinary to me.
Third on the list, is Monica. AKA the “missions ninja” (as
facebook so kindly reminded me a few weeks ago). Literally, if you know Monica,
you also know that she is like a sneak attack, conviction from the Spirit. In
the process of me trying to get to East Asia, she just “happens” to tell me to
pray about Madagascar. “Um….excuse me, no.” Was my response…or something to
that effect anyways. But it was just a simple request to pray about it, and
here I am. God can use anything to get your attention. It just so happened that
Monica was His means at the time and boy am I glad she was!
Next is Ray and Libby. Ray and Libby are just about the
sweetest people on the face of the planet. Libby is sweet and spicy. She has a
way of delivering truth that makes you want to run to your room and cry because
you know she’s right. And Mr. Ray is the strong silent type that always has a
wise word when asked. They are a few of my most favorite people in the world.
Mentors that always have my back and are literal prayer warriors. Libby has a direct
line, I am certain of it. They are always there to help steer me the right way
if I start to veer off the path. Always.
Next is my bestie for the restie, Emily. We have been
kindred spirits from the beginning of our friendship. I knew immediately that Emily
was the type of person I want to be around. It wasn’t long into our friendship
that I realized her heart for the nations was apparent, which further bonded
us. After many beach trips, dowel rod dances, and countless hours of laughter,
she moved to our beloved continent of Africa. I was in her first group of Hands
On to come to the continent and it was super fun. Three years later, she moved
back to the States and I moved to Madagascar. She has my back and knows almost
exactly what I face daily. She lived it and I find great comfort in knowing I
always have her in my corner fighting for and with me.
These next two couples have greatly shaped my life in
Africa. The first one led orientation for my Hands-On term. Andy’s catchphrase
is “trust the process.” While, at the time, it was irritating to me, I will
never forget that advice. Three years ago, and that advice is still so
engrained in me that you’d think it happened yesterday. Andy and Laura are just
super fun and I love any and every amount of time I get the pleasure of
spending with them.
The next couple has helped me in so many ways…I don’t think I can even count them anymore. The Newton’s have taught me, invited me into their family, fed me, laughed with me, and shared their ministry with me. Part of why I love Madagascar so much is because of them. They live the hard life because they know, and openly profess, that Jesus is worth it.
And last on my list, but certainly not least is my church.
First Orlando grew me up to the woman I am today. Countless pastors and life
group leaders that have poured into my life. A church that believes with
everything they do, that the Gospel is worth every risk. It is for every
person. There is no one too small or too great for the Kingdom and they are a
prime example of it. Imperfect people serving a perfect Savior. They believe in
me, support God’s call on my life, and there are not enough words to describe
the appreciation and gratitude I feel for them. First Orlando is home.
So, there you have it. My hall of fame list. It’s not
exhaustive by any means, but it hopefully shows the power people, who are
following Christ, can have on your life. They’re not perfect people. I am not
perfect. But they are my heroes.
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