When I returned from Madagascar in 2013, it was said to me, more than once, that I had just been on a long trip. An extended vacation if you will. I was astonished at this, mainly because I felt like I had just been through a war. The war wasn’t physical, although sometimes it was just as draining physically. It was a mental and spiritual war. One that would be remembered forever and would eventually lead to where I am now. Before leaving in January, I also heard words that were very sweet, very encouraging, but also big shoes to fill. I heard things like “you’re so brave!” or “you’re my hero!” Such big encouragement to carry. The size of those words is indescribable. So, there you have it. Two different extremes. One that knows without a shadow of a doubt what the cost is to share the Gospel among people who have never heard. The other that makes it sound like a fun vacation. Well, allow me to set the record straight. Workers on the “field” go through mundane days and excitin...