I've been dreaming up plans for ministry this morning. As I sat down at my computer, I drew up a list of things I wanted to do. Exciting ways the Lord is moving here in Madagascar! The dreams I pray will come to fruition among His work here. I realized that I needed a statement or purpose to hinge these dreams on. So, I began my search. The word "gentle" kept coming to me, so I did a word search on my YouVersion app. It led me to many verses, but a specific Psalm leapt right out of my phone. Psalm 103:8 The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. Not an uncommon verse to read. We often times like to read this single verse to help us feel better after we have sinned in some way. To make our sin seem less. Like it isn't a big deal. I read this and almost passed it up and chocked it up to being "too cliche". But, I felt prompted to read the Psalm in its entirety. Psalm 103 My soul, bless the Lord, and all that is wi...